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ZEW President Achim Wambach on the UK's Official Withdrawal from the EU


Global Europe

"The Hard Work Begins Now as Negotiations Are Starting"

Today, the British government has officially notified the United Kingdom's
intention to withdraw from the European Union. ZEW President Professor
Achim Wambach, PhD comments,

"The United Kingdom is the first EU Member State to trigger Article 50 of
the Lisbon Treaty and to request its withdrawal from the Union – with all
its consequences. The hard work begins now as negotiations are starting.
For the benefit of all concerned, it will be important for the United
Kingdom, Europe and Germany to maintain their close trading relationship so
as to preserve the advantages resulting from it.

Great Britain and the remaining Member States should now be quick to find a
solution for EU citizens living in the UK as well as for UK citizens
living in the EU. For other areas, such as trade in financial services,
transitional rules can be helpful."


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