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A workable approach to additionality, geographic and temporal correlation is key to the achievement of the EU Hydrogen Strategy


Tue, 06/15/2021



Hydrogen Europe considers that all new electricity demand should be met with new renewable generation. This remains valid for electrolysers and the subsequent electricity demand these generate. Hydrogen production helps accommodate growing shares of renewables, unleashing their potential and enabling the decarbonisation of those sectors where direct electrification is not an option.  
Hydrogen Europe fully acknowledges and supports the principle of additionality, namely that additional renewable electricity consumption must always be covered by additional renewable capacity. Hydrogen Europe has expressed concerns regarding the practical implementation of additionality principle criteria not the principle itself.
To further explain, Hydrogen Europe is publishing its paper outlining its positions on issues related to the Delegated Act of the renewable energy directive on recital 90 and article 27 specifically – additionality, geographic and temporal correlation.
Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Secretary General of Hydrogen Europe said: “No doubt we need a massive upscale of renewable infrastructure! This can only work if additionality is implemented in a flexible way encompassing the parallel upscale of hydrogen technologies.”


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