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Wide Stakeholder Coalition Calls for Focus on Energy Efficiency


10 Feb 2010


Sustainable Dev.

Ahead of the European Summit on 11 February, an unprecedented coalition of
European businesses organisations, NGOs and parliamentarians are calling on EU Heads
of State to make energy efficiency the first order priority for the EU’s economic recovery
and new ‘EU2020’ strategy.


On behalf of PU Europe, one of the signatories, Oliver Loebel commented, “It is
unacceptable to see that the EU will allocate billions of ETS money in carbon capture
and sequestration whilst available technologies with a proven return on investment and
a significant CO2 savings potential are left aside. The focus should be clearly placed on
avoiding CO2 emissions in the first place. It is well known the buildings offer the highest
cost-effective savings potential.”


The signatories stress the potential of energy efficiency measures in terms of job
creation, lower energy price volatility, innovation as well as reduced energy bills and
fuel poverty. However, these results will not be achieved without a clear commitment
and focus from the highest levels of EU policy-making, which must recognise the
centrality of this issue to strategic economic development over the next ten years.


Looking at buildings, efforts must be stepped up to implement the EPBD at national
level, revise the energy services and energy end-use efficiency directive and prepare a
truly ambitious European Energy Efficiency Action Plan.


“Given the fact that 80% of the buildings will still be standing in 2050, increasing
refurbishment rates is of the utmost importance. This requires tailor-made upfront
financing solutions. The EU cannot replace but must complement national financial
support measures.” Loebel concluded.


The letter is available here.


For more details, please contact

PU Europe




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