Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up
Quote of the week by S&D MEP Tonino Picula on EU-US relations
“The transatlantic link is a bedrock of the international rules-based system that ushered the world into an era of peace and prosperity after WWII. This relationship was undermined by the unilateralist and isolationist tendencies of the Trump administration. We have to seek to redefine our relationship on an equal footing and take greater responsibility. Challenges remain - in trade, approaches to Russia and China and other areas, agriculture, and data protection, especially after recent revelations. Nevertheless, we are encouraged by the political will from Washington to tackle our differences in a constructive manner and focus on a constructive common agenda.”
With US President Joe Biden in Europe this week, Tonino Picula MEP, the EP’s rapporteur on the US and the S&D spokesperson on foreign affairs, calls for stronger ties between the world’s democracies and progressive forces.
The week begins with the NATO summit on Monday 14 June and the EU-US summit on Tuesday 15 June. The S&D Group is ready to work on a new strong transatlantic alliance between progressive forces, and to build a new multilateral global order. Read more on the S&D progressive strategy for a reinforced transatlantic partnership.
On Monday, the European Parliament hosts the Second High-level Interparliamentary Conference on Migration and Asylum. President Sassoli will open the event with the President of the Portuguese Parliament, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues. The focus of the conference is on external dimension of migration and asylum policies, with national MPs, MEPs and government ministers set to take part.
On Tuesday, MEPs will vote on the S&D-led agreement on public country-by-country reporting (pCBCR). The agreement obliges big multinationals to publicly disclose where they make their profits and where they pay their taxes. S&D MEPs and Parliament negotiators Evelyn Regner and Ibán García del Blanco closed a deal on meaningful financial transparency, the first of its kind globally that will make currently undisclosed information publicly available, on 1 June.
The environment committee will vote on Tuesday on the adoption of the General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030.
The agriculture and petitions committees will come together on Wednesday 16 June to debate How to treat farmers in a fair and equal manner across the EU. No matter where farmers are in the EU, they should enjoy equal treatment when it comes to EU support.
You can follow our reactions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
On the eve of the inaugural plenary of the Conference, the S&D Group will host the first progressive caucus meeting on Friday 18 June, starting at 16.30. The event will bring together MEPs, national MPs, Commissioners and progressive partners to discuss our political family’s priorities for the Conference.
S&D Group president Iratxe García Perez and PES president Sergei Stanishev will be joined by Parliament president David Sassoli and Commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič to open the caucus. You will be able to follow the opening statements on the S&D website.
You can help us set the progressive agenda for the Future of Europe! #Progressives4Europe have set up a new debate platform on the Conference on the Future of Europe to give you the chance to submit your ideas on how we can reshape Europe for the better.