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Weekly preview of the Greens/EFA group - 5-9 September 2011


Mon, 09/05/2011


Climate & Environment

EP priorities (full text below):

- Short selling and CDS regulation (economic and monetary affairs committee, Tues.)

Other EU priorities:

- EU's external energy policy (EU Commission Communication, Weds.)

Greens/EFA events:

- Greens/EFA conference: New instruments for an ambitious EU energy saving policy, (Weds.)

-  Greens event: Roundtable on recent social movements in China (Weds.)

- European Green Summer University: "Europe - Make it or break it" Frankfurt/Oder (Germany) - Slubice (Poland) (Fri.-Sun.)


Short selling and CDS regulation 

Tues. 6 September - Economic and monetary affairs committee trialogue (Canfin report)

This trialogue will be crucial because if the ongoing negotiations on uncovered CDS can result in closing the gap between the Council and the Parliament's positions, then it may be possible to come to a final agreement and vote in October. (see latest press release)

EU's external energy policy

Weds. 7 September - Commission Communication and Press Conference

With the debate on energy high on the agenda, the European Commission will adopt a Communication outlining a comprehensive strategy to promote the EU's energy interests abroad and to improve coordination of the EU Member States in identifying and implementing external energy priorities.

Greens/EFA Conference: New instruments for an ambitious EU energy saving policy

Weds. 7 September - Conference - Room ASP1G3, European Parliament, 15:00-18:30

This conference will focus on, among others, why the EU needs a new business model for its energy and gas companies, as well as on how to give additional economic value to electricity savings. Following the European Commission's presentation in June this year of its proposals for an energy saving directive, this Greens/EFA group conference will benefit from the participation of several industry experts. The full programme can be found at:

Greens Event: Roundtable on recent social movements in China

Weds. 7 September - Roundtable - Members' Restaurant of the European Parliament, 12:30-14:30

This roundtable will feature a discussion on recent social developments in China, especially in the frontier area of the Pearl River Basin. Issues raised include whether social unrest in China could lead towards democracy, and what impact this might have on European business. With the participation of two Chinese labour rights activists, these discussions will provide a valuable opportunity to discuss the crucial topics of working conditions and labour rights in China. Please contact for more information.

European Green Summer University: "Europe - Make it or break it"

Fri. 9 Sept. - Sun. 11 Sept., Frankfurt/Oder (Germany), Slubice (Poland)

The Greens in the European Parliament are hosting the second Green European Summer University on the border of Germany and Poland. The summer university will take place from 8-11 September at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder and at Collegium Polonicum in Slubice. The summer university will provide a forum to discuss the biggest issues facing Europe through expert panels and workshops, with this year’s theme being ‘Europe – make it or break it’.

A central part of the summer university will be the five main plenary debates, which will address Europe’s role in the world, the question of a Europe-wide nuclear phase out, the growth of right-wing populism, the prospects for the green economy and the future of European integration. There will also be over 40 workshops on specific subjects offered to the more than 800 participants. The full programme can be found at:

Press Service of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament

Helmut Weixler

Head of Press Office

phone: 0032-2-284.4683

fax: 0032-2-284.4944

mobile phone: 0032-475-67 13 40

