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We want a new social contract for sustainability in Europe, says Udo Bullmann in Madrid


Social Europe & Jobs
The leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Udo Bullmann, was present today in the PES congress together with a delegation of the S&D Group. At the closure of the congress, following speeches by Frans Timmermans and Pedro Sánchez, Udo Bullmann said:
“Today marked the beginning of a socio-economic and ecological revolution. The Party of European Socialists has put forward a Manifesto that paves the way to a better Europe. Its approach reflects very well the work of our Group in the European Parliament over the last five years and our goal for the next term: to put an end to a system that destroys our planet and leaves many people behind.
“All over Europe, young people are taking the streets demanding governments to act against climate change. But we cannot ask people to shoulder the costs of the ecological transition while the rich get richer and big companies pay almost zero taxes. Greening our economic model has to go hand in hand with good jobs, social housing, decent wages, child support and fair taxation. 
“To this end, we propose a new approach, based on the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals, that ensures a higher coherence between our policies. The Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sànchez has shown in only a few months that this innovative approach is possible and successful. Frans Timmermans is the perfect person to spread this message all over Europe, giving new hope to every European.”


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