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Voluntary agreement between ENEL and the Italian Ministry of the environment


Fri, 07/10/2009


Climate & Environment

• Fulvio Conti and Stefania Prestigiacomo, in the presence of the
cabinet under-secretary Gianni Letta, have signed mutual commitments to favor the achievement of EU environmental objectives.

• The Company committed itself to develop renewable energy
sources, to reduce the emissions of thermoelectric power stations,
converting old plants and using more biomass and Refuse Derived
Fuel (RDF), and to improve end-use energy efficiency.

• The Ministry and the Government pledged to accelerate the
authorization procedures and to support Enel's innovative projects
including at European level.

Rome, July 7th, 2009 – Within the framework of the Environmental Pact promoted by
the Prime Minister and the Minister for Environment, Territory and Sea as well as by 11
Italian companies, the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Enel Fulvio Conti
and the Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo, today signed voluntary agreement in the
presence of the cabinet under-secretary Gianni Letta. In this agreement, Enel pledges to
contribute with tangible and measurable actions to achieve Italian and EU objectives on
greenhouse gas reduction, energy efficiency, and the development of renewable energy
sources. The EU Energy Package calls for 21% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,
20% reduction in primary energy consumption, and 20% growth in electrical energy
production from renewable sources within 2020.

Fulvio Conti, Enel’s Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, commented: “Enel has
always voluntarily adopted a policy of emission reduction and development of renewable
and energy efficient sources. With today's agreement, we confirm our commitment in the
fight against climate change, being able to count upon the support from the Government
and from the Ministry of the Environment to overcome obstacles and delays which
impede the entry into service of new environmentally-friendly plants, and to carry
forward — including at a European level — Enel's innovative projects for CO2 capture and
sequestration, the hydrogen chain, high-concentration solar cells, and intelligent grids.”



With the agreement signed today, Enel pledges to increase the installed power that uses
renewable sources, which at the end of 2008 was equal to 2,597 MW (excluding largehydroelectric
plants), by a further 4,100 MW within 2020. For that year, the installed
power of Enel plants which use water, solar, and wind power and natural ground heat
(geothermal) will amount to around 6,700 MW.

Thermoelectric power

On the thermoelectric front, Enel pledged to replace old low-efficiency fuel-oil power
plants (thermal efficiency 38%) with new clean-coal power plants (thermal efficiency
45%). First among these is that of Porto Tolle (Rovigo), whose conversion project
recently received a positive environmental impact assessment. The conversion of this
power plant alone will entail a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions which can be
estimated at 2 million tons per year.

Biomass and RDF

Furthermore, Enel pledged to increase the use of virgin biomass and of Refuse Derived
Fuel (RDF) for the production of electricity in its power plants from 137.5 thousand tons
per year for 2008 (115 thousand tons of biomass, 22.5 tons of RDF) to 300 thousand
tons (230 thousand tons of biomass, 70 thousand tons of RDF) in 2013.

End-use energy efficiency

Enel intends to strengthen its commitment to end-use energy efficiency: in public
lighting, also through the use of leds; in its distribution network, through the
development of smart grids; in collaboration with industrial customers through audits to
optimize energy consumption. Actions of this kind will allow savings of about 100
thousand tons of oil equivalent within 2013 and 300 thousand tons within 2020.
The Ministry of the Environment and the Government pledged:

• to identify, in observance of the provisions in force, possible steps to accelerate
the authorization procedures for which it is responsible, to allow Enel to swiftly
implement the actions envisaged by the agreement;

• to support the projects in which Enel takes part, in promoting the participation of
Italian companies in the European environmental research and innovation

• to promote the reuse of existing industrial sites, favoring investments with high
environmental content.

The instrument of the Voluntary Agreement between large companies and Public
Administrations, envisaged by the CIPE resolution of November 19, 1998, on the
implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and in the Green Book of the European
Commission, is intended to favor the achievement of national objectives on the reduction
of climate-altering gases.