Standards support innovation + growth
Standardization – an efficient tool to ensure the transfer of innovative products and technologies into marketable products and services.
Brussels (19 October 2009) – The European Standardization Organizations (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) took part in the first European Innovation Summit at the European Parliament on 13 and 14 October. Standards are one important tool to secure markets for innovative products and services, and their importance was addressed by speakers and from the floor in several summit sessions, for example on policy matters, international protection & enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, and fostering EU global competitiveness.
-for the complete text of this release see the attachment-
CEN - European Committee for Standardization
Christine Van Vlierden
Unit Manager - Communication
Avenue Marnix, 17
B-1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 550 09 26
Fax: +32 2 550 08 19
E-mail: christine.vanvlierden@cen.eu
Web: www.cen.eu