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Socialists in the European Parliament congratulate Spain on the 40th anniversary of the Constitution


Justice & Home Affairs
On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the referendum in which the Spaniards approved the Constitution, the Group of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament wanted to join the celebration and congratulate all Spaniards and Spaniards.
The chairman of the S&D Group, Udo Bullmann, stated:
"Today we want to send our sincere congratulations to Spain for its 40 years of democracy and the Rule of Law within the framework of the Constitution. The Magna Carta ensures political liberties, fundamental rights, political pluralism and a framework of coexistence that has taken Spain to the heart of Europe, always a constructive and loyal partner ".
"At a time when new extremist and anti-European parties threaten conquered freedoms and shared values, more than ever we must vindicate the principles of the Constitution."
The president of the Spanish delegation in the S&D Group, Iratxe García Pérez, added:
"40 years ago Spaniards and Spaniards, freely, chose to build a social and democratic State of law, according to the European democracies of our environment. The Constitution established a regime of liberties, rights and duties, and began a process of political and administrative decentralization by recognizing the Autonomous Communities. "
"Now that some seek to cut these freedoms and undermine respect for the pluralism of our societies, let us remember that the values ​​of the Constitution are the values ​​of Europe: individual liberties, equality, social justice and respect for diversity."


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