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Social Democrats resisted successfully and win election in Sweden


Justice & Home Affairs
“Social democracy in Sweden has resisted the threat of the far right. I warmly congratulate Stefan Löfven for a brave and tough campaign, and a victory,” stated Udo Bullmann, S&D Group leader following yesterday’s general elections in Sweden. 
“This being said, the results of the extreme right are a serious warning in a country known for its most advanced social system.
“As in Italy, Austria, Hungary, the far right in Sweden has shown its true face in a campaign of hatred, xenophobia and fake news; all clear ingredients of neo-Nazism.
“No country should be blamed for opening its doors to people fleeing war. Swedish authorities have clearly illustrated the necessity of migration for the country’s economy, with just short of 100,000 jobs that cannot be filled by Swedes. 
“Nationalism is not the answer to the migration issue. The only sustainable answer is a European one. All real democrats in the EU must work together towards a fair and lasting solution, honestly sharing responsibilities. 
“To succeed, we need the support of all democratic forces. The conservatives of the European People’s Party are at a crossroads. They need to show whether they stand on the side of the core European values of democracy, solidarity and responsibility, or if they join the dark forces of the extreme right.”


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