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Social & Democrats MEPs commit to advance gender equality and women’s rights in all EU decision-making


08 Mar 2016


Social Europe & Jobs
Justice & Home Affairs

Tuesday, 8th March 2016

On International Women’s Day, Labour and Social Democratic MEPs voted to adopt a European Parliament plan to include gender equality in every aspect of its decision-making and legislation. The plan was adopted by a large majority of 453 in favour, and 173 against.

The plan aims to ensure that women’s rights and equality, as well as rights of LGBTIQ persons, will be taken into account in different areas of legislation, from the impact of macro-economic policies on the situation of women, to women and girls’ access to digital technologies.

Julie Ward MEP, co-author of the report, said:

“The European Parliament adopts all European legislation, and a stronger emphasis on women’s rights and gender perspectives in all of our work, as well as workplace environment, represents a significant step forward in our struggle for true gender equality.

With each parliamentary committee set to adopt a gender equality action plan, training for MEPs and staff, and increased representation of women in decision-making, we hope to set a global model of best practice.

The plan includes conversations and exchange of best practice with national parliaments across Europe and around the world, and with global institutions such as the UN.

We also intend to stimulate further inclusion of a gender perspective in the work of the European Commission and other EU institutions, reminding them of the core values enshrined in EU treaties.

This is a momentous way to celebrate International Women’s Day at the heart of a democratic Europe.”



Omri Preiss APA

Omri Preiss
Parliamentary Assistant to Julie Ward MEP
MEP for the North West of England
ASP 13 G 352
European Parliament
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Fax +33 3881 79 702


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