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Smarter Energy: energy efficiency from the meter to the grid


Thu, 04/14/2011




14 April 2011 – Brussels


The European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) held a conference this morning in the Jean Durieux Room of Charlemagne building entitled “Smarter Energy: energy efficiency from the meter to the grid” within the framework of Sustainable Energy Week 2011 organised by the European Commission.



The event focused on what Smart Metering is all about, in particular what it means for the consumer, what the impact of Smart Metering technologies on energy efficiency is and how other smarter and more efficient technologies – what we call “Smart Grid” – can be enabled. Around 100 guests attended the event.



Frank Hyldmar, ESMIG Vice-President opened the first session on how to create consumer awareness and engagement with Jessica Stromback (Executive Director, SEDC) having the first presentation. Speaking about Demand Response programmes and how to empower the end-consumers, Ms. Stromback highlighted that “the intelligent cooperation between consumption, transmission and distribution and generation, acting as equal partners in a holistic energy eco-system, is the intelligence of the Smart Grid.” The next high-level speaker was Zoe McLeod (Consumer Focus, UK) who said: “We should not underestimate the challenge of achieving behaviour change. Programmes often fail because there is not enough focus on the customer experience of having a Smart Meter. Customer trust and engagement are fragile and the experience of those who get their Smart Meter early will be crucial.” Then, Dr. Howard Porter (Managing Director, ESMIG) introduced the preliminary findings of the ESMIG Energy efficiency project “Empower Demand”, which is a mass comparison study of 110 Pilot Studies designed to provide empirical evidence on the potential of Smart Meter enabled programmes in Europe. He explained how different direct feedback and pricing options impact on energy reductions, which would be around 10% as recently also confirmed by the European Commission in its Smart Grids Communication. The next set of results, which will be available before summer break, will be shared among others with the Commission and consumer groups for consultation and feedback.  



The second session on smart grids and smart metering – energy efficiency at all levels opened with Bertrand Hugoo (Chairman, T&D Europe Executive Committee). Jörg Jasper (Eurelectric, member WG Smart Grids) took the floor followed by Frank Hyldmar, who concluded on data-security and privacy as a key requirement for smart metering/grids. “Data exchange is indispensable to deliver advanced energy services: provide consumers with more detailed information on how they use energy, enable those customers to reduce their energy usage and carbon footprint, make electricity usage more efficient (energy-saving) and reduce costs significantly.” However, “privacy cannot be neglected to make Smart Metering a success, data security needs to be taken forward and security needs to be holistic and end-to-end to be successful. Necessary technologies and mechanisms are available today, but they have to be included into Smart Metering.” It was noted that design for privacy and security needs to be in focus when utilities set up specifications and enter request for proposals for Smart Grid roll-out. ESMIG has been very active with Frank Hyldmar chairing the Task Force Smart Grids Expert Group 2: Regulatory Recommendations for Data Safety, Data Handling and Data Protection.



The event happened to take place only two days after the European Commission released its key-Communication on “Smart Grids: from Innovation to Deployment”.


For the event material, including the speakers’ presentations, please follow the link

Notes for Editors:



The European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) is the European industry association that provides knowledge and expertise on Smart Metering and related communications at a European level. ESMIG's members are the leading companies in the European Smart Metering Market: meter manufacturers, IT companies and system integrators. ESMIG covers all aspects of Smart Metering, including electricity, gas, water and heat measurement. Member companies cover the entire value chain from meter manufacturing, software, installation and consulting to communications and system integration. By giving support to European Union Institutions, Member States and Standardisation Organisations, the industry group aims to assist in the development of national and European-wide introduction, roll-out and management of Smart Metering solutions.

ESMIG is an Official Partner of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign:

For further information contact:

ESMIG Secretariat

Phone: +32 2 7068257, Fax: +32 2 7068253


European Smart Metering Industry Group

Boulevard A. Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels, Belgium





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