
Fri, 02/26/2010


Climate & Environment

Brussels 26 February 2010 – Today, the Alliance for a Competitive European Industry (ACEI)

has called for a new industrial partnership between the EU and its major industries. In its

Manifesto, entitled “Shifting Gears for a New Industrial Policy”, the ACEI stresses what needs

to be done so that manufacturing industry can remain one of the engines of the economy.

The presentation comes ahead the meeting of the Competitiveness Council on 1-2 March on

industrial policy.

Europe needs a vibrant manufacturing industry to spark the economic recovery, innovation

and growth required to meet the societal and environmental challenges which lie ahead.

Manufacturing provides a fifth of EU GDP and provides three quarters of EU exports. Over

80% of the EU private sector research and development expenditures are provided by

industry. Manufacturing firms are also key clients of many services activities. Many of the

services jobs in the EU would be lost without a strong industrial base.

The Manifesto presented today gives an overview of the priority actions to be taken to

achieve a competitive and innovative industrial base. To achieve this, the ACEI has identified

6 priority areas:

• Partnership: EU institutions and the private sector can and must work more closely

to secure the future of Europe’s industrial base.

• Growth: we need to establish the right mix of fiscal, monetary and financial policies to

re-invigorate economic dynamism, while ensuring that European industry comes out

of the economic crisis more competitive and innovative than before.

• Balance: Europe must take a fully integrated approach to industrial policy by carefully

balancing essential climate, energy and competitiveness factors.

• Innovation: growth, industrial leadership and sustainability require one key

ingredient: innovation. The EU must therefore establish and all-encompassing R&D

and innovation strategy for Europe.

• Markets: the EU must ensure access to world markets and to raw materials by

aiming to open export markets while maintaining effective trade defence instruments.

• Skills: manufacturing industry must foster and attract new generations of highly

skilled and creative workers.

“Europe’s place in the world of 2025 will be radically different from that of today. The EU

institutions share the European industry goal of remaining a world leader. They must work

together to ensure that growth and jobs are created in Europe,” stated Teresa Presas, Chair

of the Alliance and CEPI Managing Director. Philippe de Buck, Co-Chair of the Alliance and

BUSINESSEUROPE Director General, added: “The EU badly needs an integrated industrial

policy. We are calling on Commissioner Tajani, the Competitiveness Council and the

European Parliament to tackle EU industrial policy forcefully and thoroughly. This is crucial. It

will determine where our manufacturing companies invest in the jobs of tomorrow”.

Full Manifesto brochure: please visit

About us

The Alliance regroups European automotive, chemicals, cement, pulp and paper, food and drink,

textile and apparel, electricity, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, oil refining and engineering

industries, and BUSINESSEUROPE. Its objective is to promote the competitiveness of European

industry on a global scale. Altogether, the sector members of the Alliance employ 23 million people,

generating €5 trillion yearly, and contributing with €1.3 trillion added value to the EU GDP.


Alliance for a Competitive European Industry - C/o Daniela Haiduc - Confederation of

European Paper Industries -