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S&Ds: Trump’s decision extremely irresponsible; we have to preserve Iran Nuclear Deal


Global Europe
The S&D Group finds Donald Trump’s announcement to withdraw the US from the Iran Nuclear Deal extremely irresponsible. We call on the rest of the international community to remain committed to the full implementation of this historical agreement.
S&D leader Udo Bullmann said:
“President Trump’s decision is reckless and dangerous, undermining the whole international regime against nuclear proliferation. Therefore, we call on all EU member states to stand united in preserving the Iran Nuclear Deal, even after US withdrawal.
“This agreement is one of the biggest diplomatic victories of recent years. As repeatedly confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it works by ensuring Tehran doesn't develop nuclear weapons. It also benefits the Iranian people by lifting nuclear-related sanctions.
“President Trump clearly showed he has no interest or will to reach a mutually acceptable compromise with the EU. The EU now needs to preserve tangible economic benefits to Iran that are an essential part of the agreement, in order to ensure that Iran remains a part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Preserving the Iran Nuclear Deal is essential to world peace and security. Irresponsibly tearing it apart increases the chances of a new war in the Middle East.”


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