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S&Ds strongly condemn Duterte’s latest misogynist, violence-inciting remarks and welcome ICC’s decision to open an examination on the Philippines’ situation


Wed, 02/14/2018


Global Europe
The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament strongly condemn Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte’s latest misogynist statements to shoot female guerrilla fighters in the genitals, which encourages human rights violations. These remarks come as the latest in a series of misogynist remarks inciting violence, and amidst reports of serious human rights violations. The S&D Group welcomes the decision of the International Criminal Court to open preliminary examinations into the very worrying human rights situation in the Philippines.
Elena Valenciano, S&D vice-president responsible for foreign affairs and human rights, said:
“We strongly condemn Rodrigo Duterte’s shameful statement about women fighters. With his misogynist comments, he actively encourages human rights violations. Committing sexual violence in armed conflicts is a clear breach of international law.
“Rodrigo Duterte’s statements are but the latest in a series of violent, misogynist remarks. The international community cannot turn a blind eye to the ongoing human rights violations against the poor, children, journalists and human rights defenders in the Philippines. It is time to act.”
Soraya Post, S&D spokesperson for human rights, added:
“We welcome the decision of the International Criminal Court to open preliminary examinations into the very worrying situation in the Philippines. Reports documenting alleged crimes committed in the context of the 'war on drugs' launched by the Duterte government are extremely disturbing. Thousands of persons are believed to have been killed in a wave of illegal, extra-judicial executions during police anti-drug operations. If these allegations are true, the national police under president Duterte’s rule are not only breaking the national laws they are supposed to uphold, but by violating the right to life, they are also committing crimes against humanity. It is high time the International Criminal Court investigates the very worrying human rights situation in the Philippines.
“I strongly condemn the misogynistic and violent language used by Duterte. His 'war on drugs' has now also turned into a war against women; there is no place for this in our societies.”


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