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S&Ds regret Commission's lack of ambition on the Mobility Package


08 Nov 2017


Climate & Environment

Brussels, 8 November 2017

The second set of proposals for the Mobility Package presented today by the European Commission lacks ambition regarding C02 targets for cars and vans, according to the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament.
The new plan includes a carbon-emissions-reduction target for passenger vehicles – cars and vans – of 15% by 2025 and 30% by 2030 compared to 2021 levels.

S&D vice-president for sustainability Kathleen Van Brempt MEP said:
“The 15% reduction target by 2025 and 30% by 2030 is absolutely unacceptable. As far back as 2013 the European Parliament recommended an ‘indicative range’ of 68-78 g/km as soon as 2025, which is already a 30% reduction. In the Commission’s proposal, this 30% reduction will only be met five years later.
“If we are to remain on a realistic path to decarbonising our economy by 2050, a minimum 40% reduction target should be required by 2030, with an intermediate mandatory target for 2025. Certainly in the view of rising transport volumes.
“Unfortunately, this proposal comes at a crucial week, when the world is meeting in Bonn to discuss how to implement the commitments agreed in Paris two years ago and we should be leading by example. Without ambitious 2025 and 2030 targets for C02 emissions, it will be much more difficult for member states to reach their 2030 greenhouse-gas-reduction targets under the Effort Sharing Regulation and for the EU to meet its climate goals.
“We should have learned our lessons from the Dieselgate scandal by setting out a clear path with incentives to invest, transform and clean up existing and future car fleets instead of giving in to lower standards.
“We are disappointed that the Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) requirements don't guarantee a minimum level of ZEV cars (contrary to the step-by-step increasing quota system that was proposed by the parliamentary committee of inquiry into emission measurements in the automotive sector). Instead of a quota system, we'll have a kind of an indicative ZEV target and a bonus system for car manufacturers that are doing better. The lack of certainty on the minimum share of ZEVs undermines the security of investments in the batteries’ value chain.
“When debated in the European Parliament, our Group will do its utmost to take this opportunity for Europe and its industries to leapfrog ahead in the current electrification race and catch up with China and California who already have set ambitious ZEV quotas. That is the way forward: competitiveness based on innovation.”




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