S&Ds ramp up EU efforts in the fight against climate and ozone-damaging substances
Tomorrow, the European Parliament is set to approve a set of measures to further reduce harmful ozone-depleting substances, which cause the so-called ‘ozone hole’.
Ozone-depleting substances are chemicals, notably used in fire extinguishers, pesticides, fridges or air conditioners, which, once emitted, reach the upper atmosphere and destroy the protective ozone layer. They have significant adverse impacts on human health and the environment. They are also greenhouse gases, with high global warming potential.
The S&D Group, during the negotiations with other political groups in the European Parliament, succeeded to further limit the use of these ozone-damaging substances with a phase-out timeline, as well as strengthen the social dimension to help industries and workers switch to eco-friendly alternatives.
Rovana Plumb, S&D negotiator on ozone-depleting substances said:
“Ozone regulation is one of the big success stories of the EU environmental policy and shows how excellent results can be achieved with clear binding rules. What works in closing the ozone hole should also work in the overall fight against global warming.
“Nevertheless, it was necessary to update the current EU regulation through the introduction of a maximum emission level, and the obligation for member states to set out a timeline to phase-out the quantitative limits.”