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S&Ds for a prosperous and stable Ukraine and a secure Europe


03 Feb 2022


Global Europe

The European Parliament’s committees on foreign affairs (AFET) and security and defence (SEDE) paid a visit to Ukraine* from 30 January to 1 February 2022 to discuss European security and Russia’s military threat against Ukraine, and show their support for and solidarity with the Ukrainians.

Tonino Picula MEP, S&D coordinator for foreign affairs, who took part in the mission, underlined the importance of a stable and secure Ukraine to safeguard the country‘s reform progress:

“Ukraine is not a playground for Russian military manoeuvres, cyber plots and information manipulation. It is a country of more than 40 million Europeans who deserve to live in peace, security and prosperity like all other Europeans. Therefore, my political group strongly supports the country’s efforts at building resilient and accountable democratic institutions, achieving economic and social progress for all its citizens, and preserving a stable and prosperous environment in all regions of Ukraine.

“As a permanent UN Security Council member, Russia must immediately stop threatening neighbouring Ukraine with renewed military action and cease its multi-dimensional efforts to undermine the country‘s achievements on democratic reforms, economic cooperation and social cohesion. Ukraine‘s political leadership must maintain a determined course of reforms despite the current challenges to stability and security.

“Europe does not need a new security architecture built on shady deals and shaky guarantees. Europe needs renewed commitment to the principles and mechanisms of cooperation and security in Europe as they were agreed by the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, confirmed by the Paris Charter for a New Europe in 1990 and as they have been embodied ever since by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

“The S&D Group has always been a strong defender of the OSCE as the platform for European dialogue on security. Today, we need to revive the Helsinki spirit and reinvigorate the OSCE.

“As Ukraine‘s partner, the EU unwaveringly supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine as much as its determined reform course towards firm rule of law, accountable and effective democratic institutions, and accessible and trusted public administration, including in the security sector. In 2013/2014, Ukrainians fought for a democratic European future. Today, Ukraine must defend not only its people and territory, but also its many reform achievements.”

Note to editors:

Talks included meetings with the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, parliamentarians, the prime minister, ministers for defence, for foreign affairs and for European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Members also visited the regional offices of the EU Advisory Mission and the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Mariupol and discussed the impact of the security situation in Ukraine‘s eastern regions and the Sea of Azov on regional economic activities and the social conditions of the population with the Mariupol Port Authority and representatives of local administration and civil society.


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