S&Ds: Fully confident Jutta Urpilainen will do an outstanding job as Commissioner in implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and fight against poverty
Tue, 10/01/2019
Following today's hearing in front of the development committee (DEVE), the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament is fully satisfied with the answers, explanations and commitments outlined by Jutta Urpilainen and confirms its strong support for her to become the next Commissioner for International Partnership.
The S&D DEVE coordinator, Udo Bullmann, commented:
“Jutta Urpilainen is not only fit to be Commissioner but we are also confident that in her role she will give a strong boost to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. During her hearing, Urpilainen has confirmed her clear commitment for leaving no one behind, fighting inequality and poverty, and achieving a sustainable future for all. We are satisfied with the answers outlined by the next Commissioner for International Partnership in her hearing.
“We welcome the fact that Urpilainen promised to closely consider the annual strategic report on the implementation of the SDGs that the European Parliament adopted only a few months ago. This report is a milestone and calls on the Commission to pave the way for the Sustainable Development Goals to be fully integrated into EU policies. We also welcome the clear reference to Africa as a top strategic priority in her agenda, aiming at eradicating root causes - poverty, unemployment, violence, scarce level of education and respect of basic human rights - that prevent African countries from fully reaching their potential and forcing young African people to emigrate. With this in mind, the S&Ds will back Jutta Urpilainen’s appointment as the next EU Commissioner and look forward to closely working together to finally move from words to deeds when it comes to implementing the SDGs.”
The S&D vice-president for foreign affairs, Kati Piri, said:
“We are happy to declare our full backing to Jutta Urpilainen who has demonstrated that she is fully fit to be the next Commissioner for International Partnership. It is highly important to us to defend the crucial and strategic role of the EU in its development policy, whose guiding principle should remain poverty-alleviation and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“We also welcome the fact that Urpilainen is looking to address migration not only as an issue of security and border control management, but especially as a wider commitment to tackle its root causes through proactive foreign policy and development cooperation both with national institutions and also with civil society and human rights organisations.”
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