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S&Ds in favour of visa liberalisation with Georgia


Wed, 06/08/2016


Europe's East

S&D Group president Gianni Pittella and vice-president for foreign policy and eastern partnership Knut Fleckenstein met with the president of Georgia, Giorgi Margvelashvili, and representatives of the pro-European political parties running in the upcoming parliamentary elections. The S&D MEPs expressed their support for visa liberalisation and called on the Georgian authorities to keep up the pace of reforms.

Gianni Pittella MEP said:
"The S&D Group supports the process of liberalising the visa regime for Georgia; we are aware of the sensitivity of this issue in terms of encouraging the Georgian people and institutions to firmly keep to the European path."
On the parliamentary elections coming up in Georgia, President Pittella and Vice-President Fleckenstein also highlighted the need to maintain the democratic momentum and pace of reforms. The rule of law is key for democracy to function properly and for the future of relations with the EU.

Knut Fleckenstein MEP added:
"As the requirements have been fulfilled, the EU should stick to its promise to the Georgian people and grant a visa-free regime now! We expect ‎the Council to act now!"
An S&D mission to Georgia will be organised in the autumn, in order to foster closer relations with such a key eastern partner as Georgia and contribute to the European feeling in the country and support democratic reforms.