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Russian Apple law: a cold war with an American tech giant?


Thu, 09/03/2020



Moscow, Russia – Fedot Tumusov, a member of the Russian State Duma, proposed a law that would force Apple to cut app store commission fees down from 30 per cent to 20 per cent. The law would require that a third of the app store commission be paid to the Russian government as part of a fund to train IT specialists.

In response, Luca Bertoletti, Senior European Affairs Manager at the Consumer Choice Center, said the Russian government’s policy would be a significant step back towards the socialist economy that would discourage competition, and, in the end, drive Apple out of Russia thereby hurting Russian consumers.

“Forcibly lowering the commission would be an unnecessary direct intervention into the market. In an attempt to make it easier for IT developers to bring products to consumers, the Russian government will reduce Apple’s incentive to provide the platform through which it’s done. The widely-spread anti-Apple sentiment among Russian politicians is no reason to support a policy that will be costly and detrimental to consumer choice,” said Bertoletti.

“What makes the proposed law even more shocking is the suggested obligation to collect part of Apple’s revenue to fund IT training. It is not the role of the Russian government to pick winners and losers. The IT sector is, of course, important, but putting these specialists on the pedestal while turning a blind eye to millions of Apple fans in Russia is shortsighted,” said Maria Chaplia, European Affairs Associate at the Consumer Choice Center.

“Russia is far from being a champion of individual freedom and Tumusov’s motion will only worsen the country’s global standing. Is a cold war with an American company what Russia really needs now? Instead, the Russian government should focus on expanding freedom and letting the economy unfold at its own pace,” concluded Chaplia.

***CCC European Affairs Associate Maria Chaplia and European Affairs Manager Luca Bertoletti are available to speak with accredited media on consumer regulations and consumer choice issues. Please send media inquiries HERE.***


The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at


Luca Bertoletti
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Maria Chaplia
European Affairs Associate


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