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Roma: integration is a two way street


02 Dec 2010


EU Priorities 2020

The European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is holding a 2 day Hearing on "The EU strategy on Roma inclusion" to prepare an initiative report to respond to the Commission communication (COM(2010)133) setting a mid-term programme for Roma inclusion, involving all the main actors, from EU institutions, national parliaments and civil society.TAKKULA_90.jpg

Hannu Takkula (Centre Party, Finland) ALDE draftsperson of the opinion in the Committee on Culture said: "Education is one of the most crucial points for integration. Education influences people's future. Member States must ensure high educational standards and a long lasting Roma youth participation whose low attendance is often due to poverty, ignorance and worse, discrimination and segregation, while promoting Roma culture within the country. Integration is a two way street. "

The European Commission is expected to present the EU Roma integration strategy by 8 April 2011 in the framework of the Roma Platform meeting.

weber_90.jpgRenate Weber (PNL, Romania) ALDE coordinator of the LIBE Committee said: "Years ago, EP demands for a European Roma Strategy were dismissed by the Commission and the Council as unthinkable due to an alleged lack of EU competence. The recent events of Roma targeting by public authorities in Italy and in France with evictions and expulsions have led the EU to finally take this call seriously. Still, the European Roma Strategy will have to focus not only on social and economic integration through EU funds, determining responsibilities, benchmarks and ensuring monitoring and evaluation, but notably on guaranteeing that fundamental rights to non-discrimination and free movement are respected and promoted in the EU and by all Member States. This is why we call on  the Commission to share with the EP its correspondence with France - as it did in the Italy case - on the Roma expulsions, the results of its discussions with Member States on free movement, as well as on the next steps it will take on this file"

For more information, please contact / Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter:
Corlett Neil - Tel: +32 2 284 20 77 Mob: +32 478 78 22 84
Terzi Federica - Tel: +32 2 283 23 24    


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