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Research and innovation for Energy Efficient Buildings towards Horizon 2020


Mon, 03/04/2013


EU Priorities 2020
Trade & Society

On 28th February, at the European Parliament in Brussels, ICT4E2B Forum partners presented their project’s final results about the role of ICT for Energy efficient buildings to an audience of over 120 attendees. The project funded by DG CONNECT and developed within the framework of the Energy-efficient Buildings Public Private Partnership (EeB PPP) initiative, has performed a deep analysis of the research challenges and innovation priorities that ICT will have to address in future. These recommendations have been duly taken into account in the new Roadmap developed by E2BA towards a possible continuation of the EeB PPP within Horizon 2020, as presented by Stefano Carosio, D’Appolonia (RINA Group) and co-chairman of the Ad-hoc Industrial Advisory Group of the EeB PPP.

The final event with more than 120 participants, organized by D’Appolonia (RINA group) as project coordinator, in collaboration with the member of European Parliament Francesco De Angelis and Mrs Mercè Griera, project officer from DG CONNECT, has launched the debate about the potential contribution of ICT to Horizon 2020.

“ICT for Energy Efficient Buildings is a key priority for Europe – said MEP Patrizia Toia, Vice President of ITRE Committee at European Parliament - and such a roadmap can be a relevant instrument to help legislators in developing the content of Horizon 2020 in line with successful experiences so far in engaging the entire value chain around European key challenges, as energy efficiency in our built environment”.

The debate about shaping and aligning European research and innovation agendas in the field of energy efficient buildings and their integration in districts and smart cities towards Horizon 2020 focused on the efforts required by different stakeholders at different level. The city perspective was presented by Francesco Oddone, Smart City Councillor of Municipality of Genoa, the regional and national viewpoints were described by Renaud Layadi, Regional Council of Bretagne and Sampsa Nissinen, TEKES - The Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation. These viewpoints were complemented with the European Commission perspectives, presented by representatives of three different services, namely Mr Rogelio Segovia from DG CONNECT, Mr Lorenzo Valles from DG RTD and Mr. Georg Houben from DG ENER.

Conclusions by the member of European Parliament Francesco De Angelis focused on the potential that research and new technology development on ICT for energy efficient buildings will have as a “key instrument to help Institutions (not only at European but also at local, regional and national level) to create cost-effective sustainable solutions able to help European society. Such impact is guaranteed not only by the high technical level of such roadmap, but also by the shared consensus around it, considering it has been built with the involvement of the entire value chain in an open and constructive dialogue”.

For more information, please visit or contact:


Christian Mastrodonato

D’Appolonia S.p.A. (Rina S.p.A. group)

0039 010 3628148


Luc Bourdeau, E2BA Secretary General or Silvia Zinetti, E2BA Communication Officer

E2BA Energy Efficient Buildings Association or

0032 (0)2 4001068 468





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