Rail has a key role in tackling climate change, says European Parliament


Wed, 03/17/2010



Voting in Brussels on 16 March, members of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee emphasised the importance of more environmentally-friendly transport when adapting the European Union’s policies to climate change challenges. The European rail sector particularly welcomes provisions to encourage the use of lower carbon modes of transport, and to ensure that all modes abide by the “polluter pays” principle.  


EIM and CER hope that this positive attitude will be reflected in the plenary vote and in other upcoming European legislative initiatives, in particular the debate on the Future of Transport. Infrastructure Managers and railway companies are aware of the pressing need to adapt to the effects of climate change and have begun to take steps to address the issue [...]



Read the full story in the attached press release from EIM and CER .


For information, please contact:


Patrick Keating

EIM Public Affairs Manager

phone +32 2 234 37 70

mobile +32 476 66 19 09

e-mail patrick.keating@eimrail.org

twitter: twitter.com/EIM_rail

Frank Schneider

CER Press and Communications Manager

phone +32 2 213 08 90

mobile +32 473 32 20 94

e-mail frank.schneider@cer


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