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Public Services in Focus: Crucial role demonstrated by experts


25 Mar 2010


Social Europe & Jobs

In a presentation to Members of the European Parliament and stakeholders, Ralf Resch,

General Secretary of CEEP, presented the main outcomes of the research managed under

the project “Mapping of the Public Services”.

Key findings were that providers of public services employ 64 million people, directly

contributing over 26% to the GDP in the EU.

“Public services are amongst the biggest employers in Europe, and our members serve the

500 million Europeans with more than 500 000 providers of key services that are essential to

our economy and our welfare.”

The presentation was made to the Parliamentary Intergroup on Public Services on the eve of

the Tripartite Social Summit and the following European Council.

This research was conducted after years of negligence to public services, at least in statistical


“It shows that Public Services, or Services of General Economic Interest, are the key to

business and citizens in Europe. They should play a bigger role in the Commission’s strategies,

namely in the EU2020”, concluded Ralf Resch.

The research was managed by the external consultant RAP‐EUROPA and a survey carried out

by Gallup Europe.

For further information, please contact:

Valeria RONZITTI, Director of CEEP ‐ tel. +32 (0) 2 219 27 98

CEEP gathers enterprises and organisations from across Europe, both public and private, at national, regional

and local level, which are public employers or providers of services of general interest.

CEEP represents more than 500 000 enterprises employing more than 64 million people and contributing

directly to more than 26% of the EU GDP.


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