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PU Europe comments on the EPBD recast (17-09-09)


Tue, 09/22/2009


Climate & Environment

PU Europe: Recast must include at least three key elements if the EU really means business when it comes to climate change.

· The introduction of binding national pathways towards “very low energy buildings” including target dates;

· The establishment of minimum efficiency requirements for building envelope components such as walls, roofs, windows etc. Whenever a building envelope component is replaced (minor renovation), the energy efficiency of that component must be increased to meet these requirements and

· The abolishment of the 1000 m2 threshold for existing buildings that undergo major renovation

PU Europe calls on Member States to pave the way for a truly ambitious EPBD recast and accept at least these three key aspects in the final text. This would provide the EU with a powerful tool to combat climate change and bring much-needed new impetus to the COP 15 negotiations starting on 7th December 2009. The Union’s credibility would indeed suffer if new building legislation was adopted in a halfhearted manner on the day of the conference start. Moreover, it would be in contradiction to daily statements hinting at buildings as the largest energy using sector and the one with the highest cost efficient savings potential.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates at 70-75% the long-term energy savings potential for new build and this without additional costs or with very limited additional costs for owners. The total feasible potential for energy savings by renovation and refurbishment is estimated at 55-80% depending on the building type and region.


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