PU Europe Applauds Parliament for Demanding Binding 20 % Savings Target
Today, the European Parliament adopted an own initiative report on the future EU Energy efficiency strategy to be tabled by the Commission in March 2011. The report calls on the EU to set a binding energy efficiency target of at least 20 % by 2020.
PU Europe welcomes the Parliament’s support for a binding target. On behalf of PU Europe, Oliver Loebel stated: “Binding targets are justified in cases of market failure. It is no coincidence that the carbon emission reduction and renewable energy targets, which are mandatory, are expected to be reached by 2020. On the other hand, Commission and Council acknowledge that, according to current projections, only 9 % savings will be achieved by 2020.”
The report drafted by MEP Bendt Bendtsen provides overwhelming evidence of the economic, social and environmental benefits of investments in energy efficiency. Meeting the 20 % energy savings target would save as much energy as fifteen Nabucco pipelines could deliver, create up to one million new jobs and reduce energy costs by up to 1 000 € per household.
The report highlights the substantial cost-efficient savings potential of Europe’s existing building stock which accounts for 40 % of the overall energy consumption in the EU. It proposes a number of ambitious measures including assessing the potential for efficiency in existing buildings starting with public administration buildings, proposing a cost-efficient target for the reduction of the primary energy consumption of buildings, supporting deep renovations and setting national refurbishment targets.
“Today’s vote should send a strong signal to the Commission and Member States in support of a binding savings target. Cost efficient technologies are readily available. However, their market take up requires a significant qualification and awareness raising effort in the construction supply chain which is unlikely to happen without a reliable long-term legal framework”, Loebel concluded.
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PU Europe
Email: secretariat@pu-europe.eu Website: www.pu-europe.eu
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