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Pittella: IMF must not pursue political goals. Discussions on Greek debt relief to be opened


04 Apr 2016


Euro & Finance

Speaking today in response to the WikiLeaks revelations regarding the Greek debt situation Gianni Pittella, president of the S&D Group said:

"If the recent news on the International Monetary Fund leak is confirmed, this would again call into question the credibility and authority of the IMF, which under no circumstances should give the impression it is acting as a political body, pursuing political goals. We do expect an official denial from the IMF.
"We also expect that in the next few weeks all parties will agree to finalise the review of the Memorandum for Greece.
"The European Commission and the Greek authorities have paved the way for an agreement on the review and we urge the IMF not to create unjustified obstacles to it. An agreement on reasonable fiscal targets must be found as soon as possible. 
"This is essential to reopen discussions over a realistic debt renegotiation. We urge all European partners to consider this opportunity seriously in order to not put the burden of a new risky debate over the future of Greece on Europe’s shoulders. The EU cannot afford this. The Union is facing a crucial period and any postponement of an agreement by the IMF risks destabilising the Union and will have a negative impact on the decisive campaign for the British referendum. The IMF is playing with fire and we urge them to stop this irresponsible brinksmanship."


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