Open debate on Kashmir at the EP
Brussels, 13 October 2010
Despite the tension between India and Pakistan, a constructive dialogue on the Kashmir issue is possible. That was the overall result of a hearing organised by the ALDE group this afternoon at the European Parliament. The panel that assembled representatives from Pakistan, India, supporters of an independent Kashmir and liberal members of the EP discussed both the history of the conflict and possible future approaches towards a solution, including ideas for more involvement by the European Union.
ALDE member Chris DAVIES (LibDems, UK), co-initiator of the hearing, said: "Thousands of Indian citizens have been killed at the hands of Indian 'peace keeping' troops in Kashmir. Whatever the provocations of Pakistan have been, this is not a situation that the international community can ignore. We need to urge these governments to renew their efforts to reconcile their differences, and offer the services of the European Union as facilitators."
In his summary, Ivo VAJGL (Zares, Slovenia) the other co-initiator of the seminar, said: "Some aspects that I have witnessed today show similarities to the situation we experienced in former Yugoslavia, namely in Bosnia-Herzegovina. By studying them we might get closer to an implementable solution. What generally inspires me is the principle of self-determination, which is also at stake in Kashmir. Overall, the tolerant way in which views have been exchanged this afternoon is encouraging."
More information on the hearing is available on the ALDE website:
For more information please contact:
Neil Corlett: +32-2-284 20 77 or +32-478-78 22 84
e-mail: neil.corlett@europarl.europa.eu
Axel Heyer: +32-2-284 47 03 or +32-485-10 33 39
also consult: www.alde.eu