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From the Office of the Prime Minister in Malta


04 Dec 2017


Justice & Home Affairs

In a press conference, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat stated that a security operation by the Police Corps, the Armed Forces and Security Services which was carried out this morning led to the arrest of eight persons on reasonable suspicions in connection with being involved in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

This was the result of investigations that were carried out over the past few weeks. The police now have 48 hours to question the suspects and decide on prosecution.
The Prime Minister said that in the case of eventual prosecution, security forces will be giving an adequate briefing on the investigations. Moreover, during the judicial gathering of evidence, which he expects to be carried out in the most expeditious manner worthy of such a serious case, all relevant information will be made public, including the input of FBI, Europol, the National Bureau  of Investigations of Finland, and Maltese investigators.
The Prime Minister renewed the state’s and his personal commitment to bring to justice those who commissioned and executed the crime. He thanked the security forces and reiterated his support for their work.
“As I stated as soon as I learnt about this barbaric act, we will leave no stone unturned to get this case solved. I am committed to do so more than ever”,
said the Prime Minister.


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