Objective of doubling bus and coach transport must be included in EU White Paper on Transport Policy
March 2010
Best policy and business practices to double the use of buses and coaches and achieve sustainable mobility for all within the next 10 years must be integrated in future EU transport policies.
Brussels – Prior to the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) debates on the future of transport in the EU, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and Busworld have communicated to EU policy-makers a comprehensive list of policy and industry best practices that would lead to doubling the use of buses and coaches in the European Union within the next 10 years, as advocated by the Smart Move campaign.
Vice President of the IRU and CEO of Heyfordian Travel (UK), Graham Smith, said: “Doubling the use of bus and coach transport must become an EU objective to be included in the future EU White Paper on Transport Policy. Buses and coaches, together with taxis, are the only transport mode that can meet the high expectations of EU citizens and decision makers, since they provide a viable alternative to private cars in offering a high level of flexibility and reach the customers’ doorstep.”
Categories of solutions proposed include improved infrastructure to promote co-modality, information and new technologies, accessibility, service quality, security, ticketing, marketing, and awareness-raising.
Used effectively, buses and coaches are the best solution to a range of current and future mobility challenges, such as environmental preservation, congestion, road safety, connectivity and social inclusion. In the EU alone, doubling the use of buses and would result in:
· A reduction in CO2 by at least 50 million tonnes per year;
· A reduction in fatalities on EU roads and streets, by more than 3000 per year;
· A spectacular fall of congestion in cities at zero cost for taxpayers, as a result of the expected 10-15% reduction in car traffic;
· The creation of 4 million new jobs.
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