Nicolas Galibert, chair of ICMP and President of Sony ATV Music Publishing France lays out his expectations of the new Commission
Nicolas Galibert, chair of ICMP (International Confederation of Music Publishers) and President of Sony ATV Music Publishing France lays out his expectations of the new Commission
In elaborating the EU 2020 strategy for jobs and growth the new Commission should recognise the contribution that the creative sector makes to the European economy and move ahead with some key policy initiatives that will support Europe’s creative artists and enable them to innovate and grow.
In particular the Commission should recognise copyright protection as an integral part of the new European Digital Agenda and take a strong stand against theft online which undermines the rights and livelihoods of songwriters and composers and places pressure on jobs in an already fragile economic climate.
The development of a European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy and the continued strong protection of intellectual property rights via a European framework for copyright is a step in the right direction as will be the development of international standards in response to large scale infringements through the ongoing ACTA negotiations.
The creative sector is dominated by SMEs - the engine of growth and innovation in Europe. Policies that stimulate and foster creativity as well as acknowledging the economic, societal and cultural importance of the sector, will promote the arts and ensure that creativity and resulting employment continue to flourish. Raising awareness of copyright will halt the culture of gratuity that is threatening to destroy this sector.
A crucial element is to preserve European cultural heritage for future generations and the decision by the trio of presidencies to address current progress and future cooperation for the creation of EUROPEANA, the European digital library, is welcomed. Digital solutions present a significant opportunity for cultural preservation and must be managed properly with due regard to the rights of artists.
Indeed the Commission should look to develop online Commerce in the music sector across the EEA by facilitating models that support efficiency, transparency and accountability in the collective management of rights and deliver multi-territorial licensing pursuant to rightsholder choice.
The Commission should also address the issue of copyright term. The simple technical adjustment of harmonising the term of copyright for co-written works would remove barriers to internal trade caused by current disparities, and the extension of the term for performers and record producers from 50 to 70 years would bring their protection more in line with that of authors.
On behalf of music publishers who contribute to the cultural richness and creative economy in Europe, I would urge the Spanish Presidency to demonstrate its own national, cultural credentials by driving these policies in the coming months.