New version of the Harmonised Gas Role Model Specification document available
For immediate release:
Françoise Maon, Communications Officer
Tel: +32 2 761 16 33
(BRUSSELS, 09 January 2018) A new version of the Harmonised Gas Role Model Specification document prepared by the EASEE-gas Role Model Taskforce is now available for download on the EASEE-gas website (click here).
The EASEE-gas Role Model Taskforce, consisting of members of the Business Process Working Group and the Edigas Message Working Group, updated the first version of the Harmonised Gas Role Model Specification document (published in December 2016). The document, written from a business process perspective, identifies and defines the different roles carried out within the gas market. Its main focus is on information exchange between market participants (excluding legal matters) and provides a common terminology for the roles that are used among most European countries.
"We noticed a disparity of definitions with regards to the different actors, roles and business processes used in the gas market and with that in mind we thought it would be useful to list everything in one single document", said Peter Meeuwis, Chairman or the EASEE-gas Executive Committee and Board member.
The existence of the document has been reported on the Gas Network Codes Functionality Platform and the EASEE-gas Role Model Taskforce will now focus on transposing it into a CBP (Common Business Practice).
This press release is available in the news section of the website.
About EASEE-gas:
EASEE-gas (European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange - gas) was set up in 2002 in order to develop and promote business practices to simplify and streamline both physical gas transfer and trading across Europe. EASEE-gas presently has 93 full members (companies active in the European gas market) and 30 associate members (industry associations, regulators, government agencies, etc). For more information, please visit