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New version of the Automotive Industry Guideline on REACH published


Tue, 07/12/2011



Version 3 of the Automotive Industry Guideline on REACH (AIG) has been published by the automotive Task Force on REACH (TF-REACH) on 08/07/2011.

Representatives of all the major vehicle manufacturers and the automotive supply chain formed TF-REACH. The TF recommends a common schedule and external communication strategy which will harmonise the sector's response to REACH and avoid duplication and confusion by taking into consideration the automotive industry’s specific criteria and tools. The TFs approach and recommendations are outlined in version 3 of the Automotive Industry Guideline on REACH (AIG). Whereas version 2 of the AIG focused on pre-registration and communication in the supply chain, version 3 is more comprehensive, providing automotive industry recommendations on numerous aspects of the REACH Regulation. Beside a new chapter on CLP Notification, version 3 contains advice regarding the Notification of substances in articles, Authorisation and Restriction procedures as well as downstream user obligations in regard to Safety Data Sheets. A new chapter on REACH and Waste as well as sector recommendations on how to prepare for REACH EN-FORCE audits have also been added. Version 3 of the AIG includes a glossary of terms, acronyms and initialisms and flowcharts which when followed will help the reader understand the REACH compliance process. Changes from version 2 of the AIG are listed in Annex F of the guideline.

The AIG will be translated into Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Korean, so as to assist the global automotive supply chain in understanding their REACH obligations while also providing useful recommendations.

The European REACH Regulation 1907/2006 came into force on 1 June 2007 and affects all industries. The Regulation requires immediate and ongoing action from vehicle manufacturers and suppliers. Under REACH, substances manufactured or imported on their own or in mixtures, as well as substances intended to be released from articles, need to be registered according to the REACH timeline once a certain yearly tonnage is tripped. Additionally, Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) may require authorisation or may be restricted. SVHCs listed on the Candidate List need to be identified in articles and communicated throughout the supply chain and to the consumer if certain criteria are met. Companies that do not comply with REACH will have no market, so REACH poses a threat to business continuity for any company doing business, or have customers or suppliers doing business, in the European Economic Area (EEA). Each Member State of the EEA has appointed REACH enforcement authorities.

For more information and to download version 3 of the AIG free of charge, please visit

This is a joint press release issued by the following Automotive Industry associations: ACEA, JAMA, KAMA, CLEPA, VDA, BIL Sweden, AIAG, CCFA, SMMT (also listed in Annex A).