The new S&D agriculture coordinator, Nicola Caputo, voices strong opposition to CAP budget cuts
Wed, 06/27/2018
Agriculture & Food
Following today's meeting in the agriculture committee, MEP Nicola Caputo has been appointed as the new S&D coordinator. In his first statement as coordinator, Caputo said:
“We are at a crucial point for the European agricultural sector. The common agricultural policy (CAP) reform with its three legislative proposals will be intensely debated and amended in the European Parliament in the coming weeks and months.
“What’s more, the agricultural sector is facing many challenges. Agricultural incomes are still lower than those in other sectors, farms are disappearing as they are badly affected by market volatility, and older farmers are not being replaced by a younger generation. Heavy CAP budget cuts are foreseen and at the same time as environmental and climatic challenges must be met.
“A key part of Europe’s security is its food supply, so we have to safeguard our own production and evaluate carefully the individual and cumulative impact that free trade agreements have on us. Generational renewal and the need for more innovation are key issues that the agricultural sector has to tackle while developing sustainably, and we have to keep our rural areas alive by continuing to invest in them.
"In the face of these many challenges, the Socialists and Democrats condemn the irresponsible first pillar budget cut of 12% and 23% for rural development in constant euros over 2021-2027. We have to maintain the value of the current CAP budget.
"Regarding the recent CAP proposals, I deplore the lack of regulatory tools to better control price volatility and I am still concerned about the risk of the renationalisation of the CAP, which I will strongly oppose.”
Wed, 03/05/2025 - 01:00
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