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A new management for EFET Deutschland to face the Energiewende (“Energy Turnaround”)


Mon, 04/08/2013


EU Priorities 2020
Trade & Society

The management of EFET Deutschland1 is changing, the daughter federation of EFET Europe, covering the German wholesale trading market for electricity and gas. At the EFET Deutschland Board meeting of 27 March 2013, the former Chair of the German Task Force for Electricity (GTFE) Alexander Kox (Trianel) was elected Chair of the Board and Barbara Lempp was appointed Managing Director of EFET Deutschland, taking over from Jan Haizmann. Annette Seefeld (GDF SUEZ Energie Deutschland) will be chairing GTFE.

Jörg Spicker, who had been actively engaged in the management of EFET Deutschland since its creation in 2001, did not put himself up for candidate for the position of Chair of the German association. His successor Alexander Kox defined him as a “pioneer of German energy trading” and added: “The changes in the management of EFET Deutschland will contribute to create a stronger profile of the Federation and to enhance its involvement in the Energy Turnaround (Energiewende). This year EFET Deutschland will not only strengthen its continuous engagement in activities towards the achievement of transparent, efficient and non-discriminatory energy markets, but it will also advocate concrete proposals for the integration of renewable energy in the market and for ensuring sufficient backup capacity.”

Barbara Lempp, newly appointed Managing Director of EFET Deutschland, will strengthen the Federation’s presence in Berlin. “In times, where the future market design is a subject of intense discussions and an expert position on topics related to energy trading and market design is required, a strong permanent presence of EFET Deutschland in its role of representing the industry in the Germany’s capital city is crucial.” underlined Alexander Kox. Jan Haizmann will continue his commitment for EFET Deutschland as an active Board member.

“I am glad that we managed to build such a committed and knowledgeable team within EFET Deutschland. With the welcome addition of Annette Seefeldt, who has been actively involved in the work of GTFE for the last years, our team is now complete to carry forward the success achieved in the past years. Chair of the German Task Force for Gas remains Joachim Rahls (BP), who has been chairing the task force since 2011.

Members of the newly appointed Board of EFET Deutschland are: Alexander Kox (Trianel), Jan Haizmann (EFET), Marco Garbers (RWE Supply & Trading), Stefan-Jörg Goebel (Statkraft Markets), Egbert Laege (E.ON Global Commodities), Jesco von Kistowski (EconGas), Bernhard Walter (EnBW Trading), Peter Styles (EFET) and Colin Lyle (EFET).

Alexander Kox chaired the GTFE from 2009 to 2013. He is Head of the Electricity Trading/Power
Industry in Trianel GmbH since 2004 and Managing Director of Trianel Financial Services GmbH.
Alexander Kox studied electrical engineering in RWTH Aachen University. From 1999 to 2001 he was responsible as Head of Marketing & Sales for the construction of the power exchange EEX in Frankfurt. Between 2001 and 2004 he took various trading positions within E.ON Group.

Jan Haizmann is the Chair of the EFET Legal Committee. Between 2009 and 2013 he acted as Managing Director of EFET Deutschland. Moreover, he is Director of the EFET Brussels Office and member of the EFET Board.

Marco Garbers works in RWE Supply & Trading in Regulation and Market design since 2009.
Between 2005 and 2009 he worked as a lawyer for the Linklaters law firm.

Stefan-Jörg Göbel is Head of Trading & Origination in Statkraft Continental Europe. He is responsible for all wholesale trading activities in power and fuel. Stefan-Jörg Göbel is member of the Management of Statkraft Markets GmbH, which is the central German body for commercial activities of Statkraft Group.

Egbert Laege is Chief Commercial Officer Asset Optimization in E.ON Global Commodities SE since 2011. He is also member of the E.ON Ruhrgas AG Board and EFET Board.

Jesco von Kistowski is Managing Director of EconGas GmbH in Vienna since 2006 and is responsible for the sale of natural gas to large customers in East Europe. Previously he worked for Ruhrgas, ENRON and RWE Power and Gas Trading in Germany, the UK and the USA.
Bernhard Walter is responsible for Regulatory Affairs & Market Design in EnBW Trading GmbH since 2008. Previously he worked as Head of Department of Trading and Supply in BDEW.

Bernhard Walter is also member of the EFET Board.

Peter Styles is Chair of the EFET Electricity Committee, member of the EFET Board and since
2003 member of the EFET Deutschland Board.

Colin Lyle is Chair of the EFET Gas Committee, member of the EFET Board and since 2003
member of the EFET Deutschland Board.

Barbara Lempp studied law in Marburg, Konstanz and Heidelberg. After she graduated she started her career as a lawyer in bankruptcy law in a medium-sized corporate law firm in Mannheim. In the year 2003 she took up the position of an assistant and later office-manager for Herbert Reul (MEP) in the European Parliament. She started her engagement in RWE AG in Brussels in 2006 and was supervising the legislative process of the Third Internal Energy Package. In 2009, Barbara Lempp moved to Berlin where she worked for RWE in Policy Communication with main focus on EU Financial Market Regulation.

Annette Seefeldt studied economics at the University of Economics and Law in Berlin. From 2002 to 2007 she took various positions in Deutsche Bank AG. Since 2007 she has been working for GDF Suez Energy Germany AG in Berlin, mainly with projects in Strategic Cooperation and Integration Management. Since 2011 Annette Seefeldt has become responsible for Energy Policy issues.

For further information, please contact:
Irina Nikolova EFET Policy and Communication Associate,, Tel: + 32 2 737 11 02




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