New independent public affairs consultancy starts operations in Brussels


Thu, 09/09/2010


Public Affairs

Former Hill & Knowlton Brussels CEO Elaine Cruikshanks and partners announce launch of acumen public affairs

BRUSSELS, 9 September 2010: acumen public affairs, a new independent communications consultancy based in Brussels, today announced the launch of its operations. Founded by former Hill & Knowlton Brussels CEO Elaine Cruikshanks, along with partners Abigail Jones and Giles Keane, acumen public affairs aims to meet an identified need for hands-on senior support, combining both strategic counsel and high quality execution. 

“This is a really exciting opportunity. We look forward to bringing the benefits of our years of large agency experience to working in close partnership with clients“, said Cruikshanks.

The new consultancy will offer a range of services, from traditional lobbying support to communications strategy development, coalition-building, messaging and positioning, crisis communications and spokesperson training.  This approach is founded in the Acumen team’s belief that an integrated approach to public affairs and communications is the most effective way for organisations to achieve tangible and sustainable results. 

Although operating out of Brussels and specialised in EU affairs, acumen public affairs’ partners are equally experienced in working on assignments involving different international institutions in other major decision-making centres. As testament to this, the company’s initial clients are Brussels and Geneva based.

Acumen’s three founding partners bring over 50 years combined experience in large international agencies. Elaine led Hill & Knowlton’s Brussels operation from 1994 until the beginning of 2010 and grew it to be one of the largest agencies in the public affairs market. In addition, she held the position of Global Head of Public Affairs for Hill & Knowlton internationally. Abigail Jones has over 20 years’ experience in particular of issue management, campaign and coalition building. She led corporate communications teams in both international and independent agencies based in Brussels, working on both EU and international assignments. Giles Keane has a background in public affairs and corporate communications, and in his previous position was a Director at Hill & Knowlton Brussels. 


For further information please contact:

Elaine Cruikshanks –, Tel: +32 475 554 573

Abigail Jones –, Tel: + 32 475 410 976

Giles Keane –, Tel: + 32 473 894 328


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