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New Automated Driving Roadmap for Europe


10 Jul 2017


Innovation & Enterprise

ERTRAC new Automated Driving Roadmap was unveiled on June 20 at the European ITS Congress in Strasbourg.

ERTRAC and the European project CARTRE joined the exhibition and organised a session during the Congress to present the new document. This new version provides common definitions of automation levels and automated driving systems, agreed within the industry. It presents development paths for automation of road transport for three applications: passenger cars, freight vehicles, and urban mobility vehicles.

The Roadmap set up 11 challenges to be tackled for automation to become a reality in Europe. It calls for collaborative Research & Development activities at European level, in order to ensure harmonization and inter-operability. It is also a reference document listing all European projects and activities supporting connected and automated driving, as well as the initiatives taken at national level by EU Member States.


The electronical version of the Roadmap is available on ERTRAC’s website.



ERTRAC is the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council. It is the European technology platform that brings together all the research stakeholders to develop joint visions for road transport R&D challenges. The membership of ERTRAC gathers the automotive industry, the research community, European organisations, and national and local authorities.


Xavier Aertsens

Avenue de Cortenbergh 66

1000 Brussels


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