My Smart Energy consumer campaign launch


Fri, 06/12/2015


Sustainable Dev.
Climate & Environment

ESMIG and EDSO are happy to announce the launch of an information campaign targeted at European energy consumers.

This will officially take place during Sustainable Energy Week (17 June, 14:00 – 15:30, during the Workshop “Making the benefits of smart energy understandable - another step towards consumer awareness and engagement”, registration still possible here)

The campaign is meant to be a first step towards providing European consumers with easy to understand information addressing the questions:

·         what is happening in their energy system

·         why it is happening

·         which are the benefits for them and society

The website’s accessible explanations and materials can help local authorities, utilities, national information campaigns and other stakeholders to introduce the energy changes to their communities, leading to more acceptance and engagement.

The website will be live from Wednesday, 17 June, but is exclusively open for review to the press:


Username: mysmartenergy

Password: review2014

You will find attached more information regarding the campaign, the next steps, and also about ESMIG and EDSO.

We look forward to be in touch with you regarding this subject and welcome you to the launch of the campaign, where there will be also dedicated time for questions.


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