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Meters and More Association – New strategic partners


Fri, 05/18/2012


Innovation & Enterprise

Meters and More AISBL  has recently approved the joining of  E.ON. AG (Germany) and General Electric - GE Power Management SA (Spain) as Full Members and eight new Associated Members: Accenture B.V. (The Netherlands), Eletra Indústria e Comércio de Medidores Elétricos LTDA (Brazil), Elo Sistemas Eletrônicos S.A. ( Brazil), Landys+Gyr Equipamentos De Medição LTDA (Brazil) Neoris Espana S.L. (Spain), Sociedad Española de Montaje Industriales S.A. (Spain), Sogecam Industrial S.A. (Spain), Tecnalia Research&Innovation (Spain).

The Meters and More Association counts now 29 members including leading technology providers, meter manufacturers, system integrators, distribution system operators, technological service providers and other institutions in Europe and in the rest of the world.

 “These new  important members  will contribute to further strengthen our Association in promoting the deployment of Meters and More open protocol” said the Chairperson of the Association, Michele Salaris. “The various members of the association represent a balanced sample of all the stakeholder involved in smart metering and this will foster the diffusion of interoperable meters and systems that will share the benefits of our open protocol ”. 

Meters and More open protocol is currently being deployed by Endesa, one of the founding members of the Association. Endesa is leading smart metering and smart grids activities in Spain with its ongoing mass roll-out project of 13 million smart meters : already more than 1 million meters were installed last year and are successfully operated remotely, fully integrated end-to-end with the company’s commercial and technical systems.

Meters and More AISB (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) is an international not-for-profit organization founded in 2010 with the scope to adopt, maintain and evolve an open communication protocol for smart metering solutions within well defined open rules; promote smart metering standardization; promote the existence of a range of interoperable devices, applications and services and  provide a certification process to assure products compliance with Meters and More specifications.



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