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Messages of hope from the Basque Country and Galicia


26 Sep 2016


Med & South

EFA comments on the results of the regional elections


Despite the very difficult political circumstances, the EFA member parties that participated in the regional elections held yesterday in the Basque Country and Galicia have reasons to be satisfied with their election results.

In the Basque Country, the EFA-backed pro-independence coalition of EH Bildu, including EFA member parties Eusko Alkartasuna and Aralar, won 17 seats in the new regional parliament thus confirming its role as the 2nd biggest political force. The coalition scored better than all polls suggested and despite the fact that its leading candidate, Arnaldo Otegi, was banned from participating in the elections. This result, combined with the 29 seats won by the ruling Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), gives a majority of 46 out of 75 seats in favor of self-determination for the Basque Country.

EFA notes that EH Bildu is the only political platform in the Basque Country that additionally offers concrete solutions  based on social justice, gender balance, and environmental protection, and the only one to propose a clear roadmap for the resolution of the conflict based on the recognition and reconciliation of all the victims.

In Galicia, EFA member Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG)performed much better that polls predicted, gaining 6 seats in the regional parliament and showing clear signs of recovery after the unfortunate results of the last elections. The party under the leadership of Ana Ponton, seems to be on the right track to regain the lost ground and re-establish itself as the only real alternative for the Galician people. A strong BNG is absolutely needed to stand against the absolute majority of seats won by the conservative Partido Popular (PP) and the destructive policies expected to follow. During the campaign Ana Ponton has raised these issues and highlighted that a stronger BNG can bring fresh air and hope to Galicia again. This path starts today.


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