MEPs question former EMA Director's links with pharmaceutical industry
ALDE MEPs Corinne Lepage (CAP 21, France) and Antonyia Parvanova (NMSP, Bulgaria) sent a letter to the European Medicines Agency and a written question to the European Commission on the legality of Thomas Lönngren's joining certain private sector companies.
M. Lönngren, who was the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency until the 30th December 2010, has recently taken up several positions with various members of the pharmaceuticals industry. According to press releases, these positions notably include strategic adviser to the NDA group and non-executive director with CBio *.
For Corinne Lepage and Antonyia Parvanova, "it seems very surprising that Mr Lönngren is employed by a sector directly related to the work he carried out at the EMA so soon after leaving office. He apparently is advising the industry immediately after being in charge of the evaluation and supervision of its products. We therefore ask whether the rules relative to conflicts of interest were respected, in particular with regard to Title II article 16(96) of the Staff Regulations of the Officials of the European Communities."
* http://www.ndareg.com/index.php?ex-head-of-european-medicines-agency-ema-teams-up-with-nda
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