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Mapping the Energy Union: new ENTSO-E 10-year network development plan.


23 Jun 2016


Sustainable Dev.

What electricity grid is needed in Europe to reduce emissions by 80% and integrate 60% renewables by 2030? This is one of the questions answered by the 2016 edition of ENTSO-E's biennial 10-year network development plan (TYNDP) which is out for public consultation as of 23 June.

The TYNDP 2016 includes 200 transmission and storage projects for a total of 150 billion euros.Each project is assessed notably with regard to its impact on markets, security of supply and climate. "150 billion euros over fifteen years may seem like a lot of money but it actually amounts to only a 1% increase of the total consumer bill", comments Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E Secretary-General. "And this investment will save customers about twice as much money as it costs, by reducing wholesale prices by up to five euros per megawatt hour".

Increase in renewable generation remains the key driver for grid reinforcement. "Even if local solutions, demand response and storage will play a growing role, transmission grids will still be needed to shift large volumes of renewables from the peripheries to the consumption centres", comments Konstantin Staschus. The TYNDP investments would lead to all countries meeting the EU 10% interconnection target with the exception of Spain.

Monitoring of the ongoing implementation of the TYNDP 2014 infrastructure projects shows that 25% are experiencing delays. This is a small improvement of five percent less compared to the last monitoring exercise. The main cause of delays remains the NIMBY syndrome: resistance by people or municipalities to the building of lines close to their property. In the TYNDP 2016 less than 4% of project routes cross urbanised areas and only 8% cross protected areas.

"Without a fit-for-purpose transmission grid, we will not fulfil our COP21 climate protection commitments. The energy transition and transmission grids are two sides of the same coin", concludes Konstantin Staschus.

The TYNDP 2018 is already in the making. ENTSO-E asks stakeholders to give their opinion on what shape this new TYNDP should take. The joint public consultation on the TYNDP 2016 results and the TYNDP 2018 design runs all summer long.

Go to the TYNDP site​


Press contacts:

Claire Camus, ENTSO-E Communication Advisor, T: +32 (0)476 97 50 93, @clairecamus_1,


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