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The Japanese tragedy affects us all - EP should debate nuclear safety


Thu, 03/17/2011


Global Europe

Lothar Bisky, Chair of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left group in the European Parliament said today on behalf of his group: "We are all concerned and appalled by the current tragedy in Japan. After the earthquake and tsunami, the Japanese people are facing nuclear panic."

"We are all affected by what happens in Japan" - Bisky reiterated - "and we urge the European Union and member states to do everything possible to assist the Japanese population" he said mentioning that it wasn't merely a natural catastrophe, but a man-made catastrophe. The nuclear threat is not only posed by nuclear power plants, but also by nuclear weapons which are to be found across Europe.

"Now the question of nuclear safety is firmly back on the agenda in Europe. We support the holding of ​​a debate with Council and the Commission on this issue at the next plenary session of European Parliament."

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