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IRU presents White Paper on the Future of Transport


Tue, 09/29/2009



The IRU’s “White Paper on the Future of Commercial Road Transport in the European Union,” calls for a strong public-private partnership to create a market-driven transport system that includes all modes without discrimination.

Brussels – The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has presented the European Commission with its vision of what the future of transport should look like in the European Union (EU).

Integrating new developments that have occurred around the world and in Europe since the publication of the EU Transport Policy White Paper in 2001, the IRU White Paper on the Future of Commercial Road Transport in the European Union identifies the current EU situation and recommends policy priorities in the context of new economic, social environmental and user perspectives.

The IRU White Paper notably calls for a genuine public-private partnership as the most fundamental aspect of any successful and sustainable new European transport policy that meets the sustainable mobility needs of all EU citizens and goods.

The IRU highlights that this objective is achievable through policies that enhance both road transport facilitation and sustainability, such as light touch legislation, market-driven free modal choice, further innovation, doubling of collective passenger transport, a single enforcement space, transport free of crime, a well directed and funded infrastructure policy, a sustainable workforce and a clear urban transport policy.

IRU General Delegate to the EU, Michael Nielsen, said, “The IRU’s key message to be reflected in the European Commission’s White Paper of 2010 is that the industry is ready to demonstrate what can be achieved across all policy objectives if regulators, in a true public-private partnership, set the right conditions for a market-driven transport system that includes all modes in a non-discriminatory manner.”

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Press Office

International Road Transport Union (IRU)

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