IRU allocates funds to UN Decade of Action for Road Safety
The International Road Transport Union (IRU) commits major funds in support of the UN Decade of Road Safety, to improve commercial road transport safety.
New York - The Presidential Executive of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) has endorsed the goals of the UN Resolution on Road Safety by committing to allocate USD 2 million to the UN road safety implementation plan named “Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020”.
For the International Road Transport Union and all of its 180 Members in 74 countries on the 5 continents, road safety always has been, is and will remain a top priority issue. In fact, for every true professional every accident is one too many.
In its great efforts to further improve road safety, the IRU is committed to supporting the goals of the UN Resolution as well as the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. In this respect the IRU supports the UN Resolution objectives to broaden the geographic scope and the implementation of the road safety projects foreseen.
In order to achieve this goal, IRU deputy Secretary General, Umberto de Pretto, announced to the UN Road Safety Collaboration today that the IRU Presidential Executive has committed major funds to implement appropriate projects to effectively improve commercial road transport safety provided that this important commitment by the profession is matched by partners involved in road safety or by the donor community.
This IRU commitment perfectly reflects the IRU motto: “Working together for a better future”. The IRU, representing the road transport industry worldwide, is prepared to take its full responsibility in this priority issue. Indeed, it is the duty of everyone to assume fully day after day, their respective responsibilities for improving road safety. The IRU will remain at the disposal of its public and private partners to initiate cooperation on road transport industry projects which will effectively address the main causes of accidents involving commercial vehicles.
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