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Internal energy market the way to lower energy prices. Jerzy Buzek MEP


Tue, 09/10/2013


Trade & Society

“Cheaper energy strengthens the competitiveness of the EU economy and boosts economic growth and job creation; it also means more money in our pockets. What gives us the chance for cheaper energy is an integrated and solidary energy market. Its speedy implementation will ensure our security and sustainable use of our natural resources. It is now a moral obligation of the governments of all Member States", said Jerzy Buzek after the plenary vote of his Report on the completion of the EU internal energy market.

“The EU internal energy market will give us the freedom to make full use of all domestic energy sources - including coal and shale gas. And by connecting our energy markets through transmission networks, we will gain a protective shield against gas and oil crises and ensure that our homes, businesses and factories never run out of lighting, heating and power supply", said Buzek.

"Consumers and manufacturers expect reasonable prices for electricity and gas. The EU internal energy market will respond to these challenges. It should also ensure that our citizens have a real, clear choice between energy suppliers, like in any other market of goods and services - from fruit to cars", said the former President of the European Parliament.

“The good news is that there is no need for any new laws. All the legislation is already on the table - mainly in the form of energy packages. Now it's time for urgent implementation. At the same time, we cannot avoid costly investments. Even if the Regulations breathe life into a common market, the market will become incarnated only through infrastructure - particularly cross-border interconnections", concluded Jerzy Buzek.

The Report adopted today is a response by the European Parliament to the European Commission's Communication of November 2012 and the EU Summit of 22 May this year. Member States have confirmed their commitment to create a market before the end of 2014.

For further information:

Jerzy BUZEK MEP, tel.: +33 (0)3 88 175631

Katarzyna Klaus, EPP Group Press and Communications Service, tel.: +32 484 138359


Note to Editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 275 Members from 27 Member States.