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Improved gas transmission information


Fri, 12/11/2009


Climate & Environment

10th December 2009

Last year, at the Madrid Gas Forum 2008, all internal gas market stakeholders

agreed that improved fundamental data transparency was necessary for the

development of an effective, efficient and integrated market.

To improve the current patchy level of transparency in Europe’s gas networks,

EFET1, OGP2, Eurelectric, Eurogas, GEODE3 and CEDEC4 presented a list of

minimum requirements to apply across the EU. Other associations and

regulators, including IFIEC and ERGEG, supported the need for this improved

information provision and called for it to be made legally binding.

The European Commission responded to the view of Europe’s gas stakeholders

and put forward proposals to amend Chapter 3 of the Annex to Regulation (EC)

No 1775/2005. The new EU Gas Committee of Member States representatives

could now adopt the Commission’s proposal on 18th December and help meet

the needs of EU gas network users and gas consumers.

“This is something of a test case for the EU comitology procedure”, said Colin

Lyle, Chairman of the EFET Gas Committee. “Everyone knows that better

transparency is needed, the agreed information list was brought forward through

the Madrid Gas Forum and there has been subsequent consultation to establish

the Commission’s proposal. Some minor word changes could clarify their

proposal, but the focus should be on the timely adoption and implementation of

these necessary improvements”.

EFET recognises that information provision must evolve with the developing gas

market. The Commission proposal sets out a baseline for what, how and when

information should be published by gas Transmission System Operators.

“Now is the time to consolidate this basic step of agreed information provision”,

added Cemil Altin, Leader of the EFET Gas Information Project Group.

“Adoption of the Commission’s proposals on 18th December 2009 would show

real commitment by the Member States to a successful EU gas market. Failure

to agree would mean losing an opportunity to deliver real improvements now.”

For further information, please contact:

Ilaria Conti: Tel. +32 485 613 773

Colin Lyle:

1 Established in 1999, the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) is an industry association

representing over 90 trading companies operating in 23 countries.

The EFET mission involves improving conditions for energy trading in Europe and fostering the

development of an open, liquid and transparent European wholesale energy market.

More information about EFET views and activities is available on

2 OGP: Association of Oil and Gas Producers

3 GEODE: European Group of Energy Distribution Companies and Organizations

4 CEDEC: European Federation of Local Energy companies


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