Monday, 24th September 2012 – Brussels – Increasing industry participation in Horizon 2020 - the new framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) - was the topic of the parliamentary dinner debate in the European Parliament organised by DIGITALEUROPE.
The dinner, hosted by Kent Johansson, MEP, shadow rapporteur for the ALDE group and member of the ITRE Committee, involved high-level representatives from the European Parliament, European Commission and Member States. Discussions recalled the importance of Horizon 2020 for the future of the EU. In his intervention, Mr Johansson pointed out the challenges of trying to find suitable compromises to manage the complexity of the amendments and best serve the needs of all the stakeholders.
Mr Johansson’s intervention was followed by speeches from three industry experts, namely Jan van den Biesen (Philips), Anne de Moor (Alcatel-Lucent) and David Soldani (Huawei). Speakers elaborated on the main parameters determining industry participation. These are laid out in the proposed regulation on Rules for Participation: the adequate protection of companies’ intellectual property and the need for appropriate provisions for access to research data and results, as well as for joint and transfer of ownership.
The growing importance of international cooperation in ICT research and the promotion of the principle of equal access to funding opportunities on a global level were also noted as being a priority. “Industrial leadership in Horizon 2020 is vital if the resulting research and innovations are to bring economic and societal benefits to Europe and its citizens,” said John Higgins CBE, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE.
Magnus Madfors, chairman of DIGITALEUROPE’s R&D working group called upon the European co-legislators to strike the right balance between obligations, incentives and safeguards for industry partners in Horizon 2020.
Johansson concluded the event with a call to action to the guests and fellow MEPs by saying "I hope you stay strong and active in the debate. We need a strong Horizon 2020 for future growth".
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