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Happy Europe’s Day with European Standards - European standardization & the EU Single Market


Wed, 05/09/2018


Global Europe
On 9 May, we celebrate the “Schuman’s Declaration” of 1950, which laid the foundation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and ultimately brought to the creation of the European Union. Since then Europe experienced the longest peacetime and has seen its economy grow continuously, whilst becoming the world’s largest common market.
From the start, European Standards have contributed to the harmonization of the European Market, and to the withdrawal of barriers to trade. Without standards, the true foundation for the ‘European economic unification’ as seen by French Minister Robert Schuman would not have been possible. Hence, today we are not only celebrating Europe’s Day but also one of the European Union’s biggest achievement: the European Single Market, which turned 25 in March 2018.
To highlight the important contribution of European standardization to the Single Market, we are launching until December 2018 a series of news to showcase concrete examples of standards’ contribution to the European industry welfare and consumer’s safety in a campaign entitled “European Standardization & the EU Single Market”.
We will be looking at the role of European Standards in a variety of circumstances, such as:
  • How do European Standards support EU legislation? (May) 
  • Patient’s healthcare: eHealth and safe medical devices (May) 
  • Sustainable and smart energy (June)
  • Enjoying summer recreational activities safely (June)
  • Mobility in our everyday life (September)
  • Sustainable waste and packaging (November)
  • Supporting European Union commitment’s to the United Nations (UN) Paris Agreement (December)
  • Enjoying the winter holidays and safe toys for children (December)
Follow us throughout the year with the hashtag #SingleMarket. Let us know your examples of how European Standards contributed to the prosperity of the EU economy or how they impact your life for the better. Tell us your stories through the hashtag #TellEUstandards.



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